October 27-29, 2020
Virtual Event

Stay Safe, Avoid Event Scams

Aviation Week MRO is committed to making sure that attendees, exhibitors and sponsors have the best possible experience at our events. We carefully select and vet all of our partners and vendors to provide the best services to all of our customers.

The best place to look for an official vendor is on the event site for each specific event. Official vendors are required for many of our events services, but not all. If you are approached by an outside vendor and are not clear about who they are, please contact [email protected] or contact the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) or the equivalent for your country/state.

Attendee Lists

Multiple companies have been contacting Aviation Week MRO event attendees, exhibitors and sponsors claiming to sell/rent an MRO event attendee list. Aviation Week does not rent, share, or sell your email address to any third parties. Please see the Informa Privacy Statement.

These companies have no association with Aviation Week and are not authorized to use the Aviation Week MRO name.

It appears as though the vendors that are sending these mass emails are simply spamming and cold-calling the companies that appear on the event’s attendee and exhibitor pages. And since their company name and “From” email address frequently change, it makes it difficult for Aviation Week to stop their actions.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience that these spammers cause you — we get these emails too.